APA 7 (2020) provides a specific example of how to cite lecture notes or slides posted to a course site.Did George Berkley die when his girlfriend stopped seeing him? . Lecture notes posted to Blackboard In-Text CitationĪuthor's Last Name, First Initial. In Canadian Council of Refugees example, the author was the same as the publisher, so the publisher was not included in the reference.If the document is in print, follow the rules for print publications, including the publishing information (city and publisher).If a document from an NGO has no author, follow the rules for a corporate author.Report: National forum on human trafficking. Prospects for reducing uninsured rates among children: How much can premium assistance programs help? Urban Institute. Name of Individual or Organizational Author. (Canadian Council of Refugees, 2019) References

Report from Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) In-Text Citation Do not end the URL with a period if it is not in the original. As you can see in the example, the punctuation starts the next line.

Web page - Author not listed In-Text CitationĬite the first few words of the reference list entry (usually the title) and the year. The name of an organizational author, in this case the Registered Nurses of Ontario, can be abbreviated after the first in-text citation, but it is not abbreviated in the reference list.Adult asthma care: Promoting control of asthma. If the author of the website has the same name as the website itself, do not include the name of the site in the references. Web page – Group Author with The Same Name as the Website

A guide to programs and services for seniors in Ontario. (Ontario Seniors' Secretariat, 2015) ReferencesĪgency Author or Author's Last Name, First Initial. Web page - Individual or Group Author Listed In-Text Citation